Whittier Fertilizer Blog

10 Superfoods to Grow at Home

superfoods to grow in your gardenGrowing your food especially superfoods that are packed with a high concentration of nutrients and antioxidants is the best decision you could ever make. It is no secret that many superfoods tend to stretch your wallet at the grocery store, thus growing them right in your backyard will save you money while giving you control over what you eat. According to Health.com, eating superfoods will considerably help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, extend life, keep you looking younger and healthy.

With all these scientifically proven health benefits, homeowners should consider including superfoods in their bounteous backyards. Here is a list of 10 superfoods that can be grown easily in your garden for a healthier lifestyle.

1. Blueberries
Blueberries are a popular choice among doctors and nutritionists as they can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, keep you mentally sharp as you age and also act as an inflammatory. They come in all varieties suitable for every garden-small, tall, semi-green, deciduous and more. They thrive in moist, acidic, well-drained soils and grow best in zones 5 through 10.

2. Kale
Kale is a vegetable that is filled with fiber and antioxidants that help to fight cancer and absorb radicals in the body. Being rich in Vitamin A and C, they keep your skin glowing. Plant during spring all through early summer for a nutrient dense, leafy kale and ensure to keep a distance of about two square feet so you can eat your kale even into the winter months.

3. Goji Berry
Goji berries are easy to grow, drought tolerant and do best when grown in zone 3 to 10. It is advisable to plant them in moist, mulched soil of no more than four inches. With a bit of sunlight and regular watering, they will thrive fully. Though they take about two to three years to mature, they are worth the wait.

4. Quinoa
Quinoa is a high protein ancient grain you can easily grow in your backyard. They are low maintenance as you only need to plant the seeds, water and fertilize for best results. Early June is the best time to start planting the seeds.

5. Chia seeds
Chia seeds play a significant role in the world of superfoods. It’s omega-3 fatty acids aid in stabilizing blood sugar, lowering cholesterol and boosting energy. You may want to give the plants sufficient space when planting as they grow to six feet or even more. Chia sprouts can be seen within a week of planting.

6. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are ranked among the most nutritious vegetables. They are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. They will thrive better in sandy soils, hotter climates, lots of space (remember they are invasive creepers) and consistent watering.

7. Microgreens
Micro greens are rich in vitamins and healthy nutrients. All you need is soil, seeds, a container and a sunny spot in your home and you will get to harvest your little micro greens in 14 days.

8. Beets
The roots and leaves of beets are packed with minerals, antioxidants and vitamin C. They are incredibly easy to plant from seed and germinate in 5-12 days during the cool seasons.

9. Pumpkins
Both the flesh and seeds of a pumpkin provide a healthy nutritional treat. The seeds are rich in zinc which helps to boost the immune system. Whatever the size, shape and color you want your pumpkin to be, all you need is seeds, a sunny spot, and water. Also, remember to keep some distance between them.

10. Lingonberries
Lingonberries are a member of the blueberry family with great nutritional benefits and medicinal properties. They thrive in full sun or partial shades and well-drained soils with rich organic matter.

Posted in: Gardening

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