Whittier Fertilizer Blog

How to Care for your Sod

The process of properly caring for sod starts the moment it is installed. The first few months are critical to making sure that your sod takes hold and becomes a lush and green lawn. The clock is ticking the moment you sod is laid down, so it is important to know what you need to do at each stage of the life of your new lawn.

First Two Weeks

The first two weeks are critical as it is important to water your sod at least three to five times a day until it is spongy to the touch. You need to get at least four inches of penetration from your sod to the soil when you water, and you can measure that penetration by carefully lifting a corner of a sod segment to see how deep the water is getting. You need to keep this process up for at least seven days, and it may require a full 14 days of watering for the sod to take hold.

If the weather is hot and dry where you are, then a sprinkler should be running several times each day to keep the sod constantly wet. If the sod is not kept wet during this period, then it will dry out. Avoid walking on your new sod as you will leave footprints that will become a permanent part of your lawn. When the two weeks is up, you can allow your sod to dry so that it can be mowed.

Heading Into The End Of The Month

As the third week approaches, you can reduce your watering frequency to between one and three times a day. You can try to skip a day in between watering, but go back to watering every day if your sod starts to dry out.

When you start getting into the end of the first month, you should put a day or two in between watering days. It is important to split up your watering into two segments separated by one hour of waiting time. This allows the water to penetrate to the new root system, which has created a denser soil underneath.

The Next Five Months

You will need to monitor your new sod closely for the first six months of its life. After the first month, you can reduce the number of days you water to two or three each week, and you can also reduce how much water you apply. But you need to keep a close eye on your sod to make sure there are no brown patches. If you see drying sod, then you will have to water. After six months, your sod should be a lush lawn that needs the same amount of water as any other standard lawn.


In most cases, you will be mowing your sod for the first time after the second week. But the best way to judge when to mow your lawn is how tall it is. Once your lawn reaches 3-1/2 inches in height, it can be mowed. Do not try to mow your lawn until it has reached that height or you could cause permanent damage.

As your new lawn settles in, be sure to add product when needed such as GreenAll Sure Start fertilizer or EB Stone Organics Sure Start fertilizer. The first two weeks of a new lawn’s life are crucial, so be sure to monitor your sod and do what you need to do to give it the chance to take root.

Posted in: Gardening, Landscaping

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