Whittier Fertilizer Blog

How to Know What Kind of Fertilizer You Need For Your Yard

As a homeowner, you no doubt know that fertilizer is an integral part of having a healthy yard. Depending on where you live and which kind of grass you wish to grow, you are going to need different types of fertilizer to nourish your yard.

Varieties of Fertilizer

In order to encourage the health of your yard, it is crucial to select the correct fertilizer. Your options might include the following:

  • Inorganic fertilizers. Developed artificially or synthetically, this type of fertilizer is designed to quickly get plants the exact nutrients that they need. For your yard, you may need to choose inorganic fertilizer if you are having a specific issue with your soil.
  • Organic fertilizers. If you wish to use a natural alternative, organic fertilizers include compost, wood ash, or manure. However, they may not contain all of the specific nutrients that your yard needs.
  • Plant-specific fertilizers. In order to provide specific plants with any unusual nutrients they might require, some people choose to fertilize with plant-specific products. If you choose an unusual variety of grass, for instance, it might need a little extra help.
  • Liquid fertilizer. Liquid fertilizer is great because it deliver nutrients quickly to your yard. However, the effects may not last as long, requiring you to re-fertilize more often.
  • Fertilizer with pesticides. By choosing this option, you can protect your yard from pests while at the same time delivering all of those critical nutrients.
  • Time release fertilizer. This revolutionary technology allows your plants to receive their nutrients slowly over the course of several months so that they don’t get an overdose when you first fertilize your yard.


If you are searching for fertilizer for your yard, you may see numbers like this one popping up all over the place. So what does it mean? These numbers represent the percentages of nitrogen, potash, and phosphorous in the fertilizer. These nutrients are essential to the health of your lawn.

  • Nitrogen is an essential element in the growth of foliage and is able to encourage tender, lush leaves that won’t have a yellow tinge.
  • Potash, also known as potassium, builds up your yard’s resistance to disease and helps your grass to sustain shifts in the weather.
  • Phosphorous encourages root growth and therefore promotes maturity in your plants.

Testing Your Yard

15-15-15 is a reliable number to choose if you are looking for a general, all-around fertilizer for your yard. However, if you are dealing with some issues, you might find it useful to test your yard in order to select a specific fertilizer to address the problems. To conduct a test, collect a cup of soil from your yard and take it to a local laboratory to determine your soil’s makeup.

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Posted in: Landscaping

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